
This is basically sort of a secrets and whatnot section. Know something I don't? Tell me here. And if the red kitty didn't tell you, there are spoilers here.



There are little items throughout the game called "Bromides." These are basically cute pictures of the game's female cast. The thing is though they are somewhat hard to find. This is the complete list.

Mia's Bromide 1:Comes equipped on Nash

Mia's Bromide 2: After coming back to Vane from the Frontier but before you go get Nash from evacuation duty, go back to the Magic Guild in Vane and talk to the boy in the lower-left corner in the classroom all the way on the right, first floor.

Mia's Bromide 3: During the ending talk to Ramus after recieving Luna's Bromide 1. He will sell it for 5000 Silver.

Mia's Bromide 4: Talk to the boy in the house on right in the town of Iluk after Nash destroys the balloon engine, but before you go to the Frontier.

Jessica's Bromide 1: With Jessica in your party, talk to the preistess on right in the second room (the one who thinks Jessica is her sister) twice in Althena's Temple after Kyle joins you but before going to the Frontier.

Jessica's Bromide 2: Talk to the boatman on the dock in Lann. Do this after Nash destroy's the engine, but before you venture to the Frontier.

Jessica's Bromide 3: During the ending talk to Ramus after recieving Luna's Bromide 1. He will sell it for 5000 Silver.

Jessica's Bromide 4: In Nanza, after Kyle dispatches a few monsters by himself, he will just stand there. DON'T talk to him. Instead go downstairs and check his bed.

Luna's Bromide 1: After you journey to the White Dragon Cave a second time (with good 'ol Ghaleon), but before you go to Meribia, go downstairs in Alex's house and check the shelves on the left.

Luna's Bromide 2: Beat the game and talk to Ramus to get this.

Phacia's Bromide: After your lengthy visit to the Star Shrine but before you go back Meribia, go and talk to the priestess in Althena's Temple at the northern part of the temple.

Royce's Bromide: After Hell Mel is turned to stone, immidiately go to Black Rose Street. Someone on the street will give this to you.

Xenobia's Bromide: Before you go gallivanting off after the Grindery, check back by the Althena Statue in the mine. The worker there will give you this.


Lords of Lunar: This is a special Pong style game on the Making of Lunar disc. At anytime during the disc, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, Start. And have fun.


Bath Time!

There are two bath houses located in the world of Lunar. The first is right before venturing into Meryod Woods. The second can be seen after the bridge is fixed and entering the Stadius Zone. At these springs, you can see a total of 4 animations of the characters bathing. However, you need a bar of Soap for each one. "Soap?," you shriek. "Where do I get Soap?" Well, you can get only two during your travels. One in a locked chest in the Cave of Trial, and the second when you get your Dragon Wings back. "So how do I see all 4 animations then?" Ok. Good news, Bad news time. Good News: You can buy soap!! Bad News: You can only purchase the soap on the ship to Meribia. Yeah, that's the only place. And at 1000 S a pop, it might take a while to build some capital with the low level monsters about.

The springs are also gender-oriented. Meaning only one gender may bathe at each one. The first spring is for guys only. The second for the ladies. WARNING: There is a forest you must cross before getting to the Shrine a la Femme. In this forest are disgustingly hard monsters, so if you go there when you first come upon it, you might get whooped. No wait. You WILL get whooped. I've done it though. My key: RUN!!! By the way, once you get the Rememberizer, you can view these animations whenever you want!