"An Epic Adventure, A Timeless Romance, An Instant Classic" - Lunar Advertisement


Konnichiwa (typical greeting in japanese), and arigato (thank you) for dropping in. This is The Silver Star, a site devoted to Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete, the latest RPG from Working Designs for the Sony Playstation.

What's On My Page

=^_^= (This means possibility of spoilers. Spoilers ruin plot. Spoilers bad. Just thought I'd warn ya.)

Art Gallery- See some of the splendid anime shots from the game

Tidbits- A miscellaneous section with things you may not know about the game =^_^=

Lunar Fan Fics- Coming Soon once I write one of someone sends one in

Site History- Take a guess

Links- Links to pages who have something to do with Lunar

About Me- Get a little bit of info on the author of this page


Email me here







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By The Way

This page is in no way associated with Working Designs, Game Arts, ESP, The Great Allandu, Sony, Rocky Maivia (though I wish it was), distributors, producers, directors, candlestick makers, or anyone else who helped with this game. The views expressed on this page are mine and no one else's. So if you don't like them, don't tell me, because I don't care!!! -Webmaster